Green Digital

The Project

Green Digital – Improving the environmental sustainability of ICTs in companies is a Small Scale Cooperation Partnership in vocational education and training sector (KA210-VET) funded under the Erasmus+ Programme. 

The Digital Transition, strongly supported by European Commission Policy for the next years (EC Europe Fit for the Digital Age 2020, EC, Communication on the 2030 Digital compass, 2021), may collide with the European Green Deal (EC 2020), which, in line with the Paris Agreement, plans to reduce greenhouse gas (‘GHG’) emissions by at least 55% in 2030.

ICT is currently one of the fastest growing greenhouse gas-emitting and energy management sectors (EC, Rolling Plan for ICT standardisation, 2021).

This project wants to reduce the environmental footprint of information and communication technologies used by companies in partner countries, by improving the effectiveness and sustainability of their ICTs’ implementation strategies.

The project will improve awareness of companies on the benefits of sustainable use of ICTs,by enhancing knowledge, skills and competencies of managers, workers and companies on how to implement ICTs in a more sustainable and effective way

Green-Digital-Leaflet-DE .pdf
Green-Digital-First-E-Newsletter_DE (1).pdf
Green-Digital-Second-E-Newsletter_DE_compressed (1).pdf